This week is Autism Awareness Week at MJ’s school, today is “Team Up for Autism” day. Although, the school wanted something catchy and easy to display (wearing your favorite team...
Sleep is very a very important part of your mental and physical well-being. The way you feel while awake is a direct correlation of what is happening during sleep. While...
As a baby Maddox was pretty mild mannered, he seemed to hit motor targets before his brother. He seemed to smile earlier, held his head up sooner, rolled over way...
Photo of Maddox getting his first and ONLY haircut where he sat in the chair by himself. Many times when you see photos of Maddox his hair is pretty long....
Often times, I tell someone that Maddox has Autism and the response I get is...”My good friend, or relative has a child with autism”... and I often times wonder if...